Selasa, 23 November 2010

A Short Story For You - "A Word to the Wise"


Dear Readers,
It has been quite some time since I shared any of my stories with you. My blog posts lately have just been musings on life and my ramblings. Well, here are some fictional ramblings that I hope you enjoy. Nothing preachy, just a little story I did for writer's group I am in. After reading it, I realized there was a bit of a Thanksgiving message in it. 
Thanks for reading, and

Jumat, 05 November 2010

My Life In Toy Story Movies

My Life In Toy Story Movies

When Toy Story came out in 1995 I couldn't wait to see it! I was a newlywed, happy and in love with my husband, Travis, and we went to see it at the theater. Yeah that's right! We used to go on dates to Disney movies! I think I coerced him, but I have sat through many a boring, violent man movie with him, so he totally owed me! He loved it though. Who wouldn't?

Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

The Kindness of Strangers

Click the button below for more inspirational articles at other great blogs.
Also, if you are a stay at home mom looking for encouragement, fun, and lots of great ideas, be sure to check out Awesomommy!

As Blanche DuBois so poignantly stated at the end of "A Streetcar Named Desire,"

"Whoever you are...I have always depended on the kindness of strangers."


Jumat, 02 Juli 2010

Learning From Ostriches

If you listen to the news much these days, you could start to feel really bad about your life, your finances, your safety, the state of our country...lots of things. That is why I don't watch the news anymore. Not to say that burying your head in the sand is the answer, but there is a lot of power in focusing on the good things in life.

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true,

Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

The Power of Positive Living

This man is amazing. Watch this video and I dare you not to feel better about yourself and whatever your situation is. I stumbled across this on a Facebook site called "Positively Positive." I thought, "Are they trying to steal my thunder?"

I was so pleased to see that it is brimming over with inspiration, encouragement, and positive ideas. It is everything I wanted this blog to be. Scope it

Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

Help With Forgiveness

This little article by Joyce Meyer has so much to say about the power of forgiveness. In my own life I have learned that forgiveness does far much for ME than for the person who did the offending. Often times they don't know or even care that you are hurt. Forgiveness is for us, and sometimes we have to do it by faith. When you don't feel like forgiving someone, that is when you have to just do

Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

Fun and Friendly Friday Follow

Making New Friends 

Hey Blog Pals!

How are y'all this fine Friday? I hope the week has been good to ya, and I hope you have lots of fun summer plans to enjoy your weekend!

When it comes to meeting people and making friends, I am always so impressed with my 11 year old twins, Sophie and Jesse. Where ever we go, whether to the swimming pool, Wal-Mart, church, doesn't matter...they have an